T H E    J O U R N A L    O F    F R E E    T H O U G H T,  V O L U M E   7,   I S S U E   1  (February 2021)


The Politics of Cancer

   By Gerald Schoenewolf

What happens when your primary doctor forgets to mention that you have a PSA of 15 (indicative of advanced prostate cancer)?  Why would a doctor forget something so important?   And what are the political implications?

The Feminist Deconstruction of Men

    by Richard Norwenton

Over the years, feminism has become more radical, and as it has become more radical, it has been hellbent on demonizing, scapegoating, and persecuting men.  The author probes the deconstruction of men and wonders whether, from a psychological view, radical lesbians want to eliminate the competition.

From the "Song of Songs"

     by King Solomon (translation by G. Schoenewolf)

The "Song of Songs" or "Songs of Solomon" was probably written by a bride of Solomon as well as by himself in the 10th Century b.c.  This is a long poem from the Hebrew Bible that was said to have been presented as a theater piece during its time, perhaps in the court of the King.

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